Payment Methods In Jumia Nigeria : Cash On Delivery - Master Card - Visa - Interswitch - DHL ... Delivery Times : For Jumia First Products From 1 to 5 Days and For NON Jumia First Products From 2 to 8 Days - Products Shipped From Overseas 10 to 20 Days
Product Description: Key Features Colour: Green and Silver Cuts fruit and Vegetable Easy to assemble Beautiful Durable Easy to use ₦ 880 ₦ 1,100 -20% Buy now Save for later See more offers
OnyemaMarch 2, 2017 I love itThe product is working well Read more Hide The Fruit Cutter gives you ease and convenience as you prepare your meals. Perfect for cutting pepper, garlic, ginger and most types of fruits and vegetables Key FeaturesColour: Green and SilverCuts fruit and VegetableEasy to assembleBeautifulDurableEasy to useSpecifications of Stainless Hand Grinder SKUUN970HL0GKQ26NAFAMZ Product LineToskfelic Weight (kg)0.4 Can I return this product? You can return this product for a refund, within 7 days after receiving your original order.
How to return this product? You can request to return this product online (click on "Your Account" on the top left part of the screen, then go to "My Orders"). You can also request a return by calling Customer Service 0700 6000 000
If the product is "shipped from Overseas"? You can return this product for a refund, within 7 days after receiving your original order. You can return this product ONLY if you have received the wrong product or if the item has been damaged. You cannot return the product if you change your mind or you don't like the product. For more information, please visit our FAQ on "Shipped from Overseas products" What are the required conditions? Please see below conditions for your return request to be accepted: - Product must remain sealed, except if the product is defective or damaged - Product is still in its original packaging - Product is in its original condition and unused - Product is not damaged - Product label is still attached - Product is complete The products in your possession are your responsibility until they are picked up by our driver or you have dropped it off at a pickup Station. Any product that is not properly packed or is damaged will not be eligible for a return, so make sure they are properly taken care of prior to the return!
What are the next steps? Once your return request done, we will contact you to arrange retrieval of the product. You will also have the choice to deliver yourself the product to one of our pickup Stations. Once the product retrieved, we will proceed to examination. - In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we will send it back to you without refund. - If examination conclusive and conditions respected, we will proceed to refund within maximum 14 business days post retrieval product
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